
Blog: Advancements in the Clinical Research: All You Need to Know

Added By: 247Compliance,   Dated: June 20, 2019,  Industry: Clinical Research


Advancements in clinical research have known to impact the medical industry on a ubiquitous scale. The development in the medicines treating cancers and other deadly diseases have engendered with the improvements in biotechnology and medical sciences. The impact is seen due to the growth in the medical devices and the number of trials that are succeeding generously. This article discusses the modern trends and progressions in the pharmaceutical as well as the medical industries that have proffered clinical research to a very high level.

Mobile apps now help patients get matched to their clinical trials

With startups finding up their way to acknowledge and use the latest technologies for their business, mobile apps have now come in use to help the patients get their clinical trials done effectively. These mobile apps are handy and easy to use. The only thing that is required to be done, from the customer's side, is to register on the app and sign-in on the app and submit the old medical records with lab tests and prescriptions. Accordingly, the patient's records are matched with the clinical trials along with some other relevant information.

Databases to maintain a streamlined flow of Electronic Records

Clinical research that is performed on the patients requires a huge amount of data to gather evidence and rule out various possibilities that must have caused their clinical condition. It is quite prevalent that one can be overwhelmed with the rigorous amount of data that is collected to conduct a clinical trial. However, implementing the use of metrics can reduce the complexities in various forms of data and can optimize the accuracy by bringing down the overload of the information, which in turn, can enhance the viability in one's clinical trial.

Technological development in data collection

Big data, Hadoop, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc., are some of the advanced technologies that have brought sustainability to reliable data in not only software industries but also the hospital and healthcare sectors such as clinical trials. An accessible and economic Data collection, in clinical trials, has now been enabled by the use of these technological advancements. One of such technical development is seen in data mining implementing Big Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. Heart rate and blood pressure monitors, which are wearable, are other important noteworthy remarks in the field of medical equipment advancements and clinical trials, which helps to keep a regular track on the patients' regulatory heart rates and blood pressures.

Development in clinical trials concerning Cancers and other diseases

In past decades, advancements in cancer treatments can be seen as effectively treating cancers. Genomic characterization of tumors is one of the recent and remarkable developments in the history of cancer treatments. It is with this recent discovery that has inferred, a specific constellation that promotes gene mutations can cause complexities in identifying a specific treatment for that particular cancer, developing in a person's body. The tumor can have different nodules that can be different from each other in the same person, meaning, the drug that is to treat the cell, might not affect the other parts of the tumor or can be effective in only a single part. Immunotherapy is another method that is being brought about to treat cancers.

Various challenges still persist in the field of clinical research and involve a careful look over in the clinical trials. Advancements in clinical research will happen effectively, if the efforts made by the people who suffer from diseases and those who conduct clinical trials, to eradicate the disease, are in sync. We are only willed with a certain hope to forever efface these deadly diseases that change people's lives in seconds.